Minecraft Mods

From Oops, Eogen did it again.
Revision as of 08:35, 5 October 2018 by Eogen (Talk | contribs)

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I never really did learn self-control.

Mod Name Status Category Description Comment
Albedo albedo Active Library Shading Library [[]]
Anvil Enchantments anvil enchantments Updated Minor Select Enchantment on Anvil [[]]
AppleCore applecore Updated Library Food LIbrary [[]]
AppleSkin appleskin Updated UI Saturation on Hunger Display [[]]
ArmorPlus armorplus Active Minor Adds Special Armors and Gem based Tinkers [[]]
Aroma1997Core aroma1997core Updated Library Backup Library [[]]
AromaBackup aromabackup Updated Utility Performs Autosaves [[ ]]
AtomicStryker's Infernal Mobs atomicstryker's infernal mobs Active Minor Diablo Style Mobs [[]]
AutoRegLib autoreglib Updated Library Quark Library [[]]
B.A.S.E b.a.s.e Updated Library Tweaker Library [[]]
Backpacks! backpacks! Active Minor Upgradable Backpacks [[]]
Bad Wither No Cookie - Reloaded bad wither no cookie - reloaded Active UI Sounds Muted [[]]
Baublelicious baublelicious Active Add-On Adds some rings/amulets [[]]
Baubles baubles Active Major Allows Rings / Extra Inventory Slots Rings & UI
BiblioCraft bibliocraft Active Minor In-World Storage Options & Furniture [[]]
Bibliotheca bibliotheca Active Library Bibliocraft Library [[]]
Biomes O' Plenty biomes o' plenty Updated Environment Additional Biomes & Woods World Gen
BiomeTweaker biometweaker Active Customization Tweak biome properties & worldgen [[]]
BiomeTweakerCore biometweakercore Active Customization Not Required Server Only
Blockcraftery blockcraftery Active Minor Carpenters Mod Angled Blocks
Blood Arsenal blood arsenal Updated Add-On Additional BloodMagic Weapons Consider disabling tools
Blood Magic blood magic Active Main Blood-based Magic Recent Update Breaks Blood Arsenal, Reverting
Bonsai Trees bonsai trees Active Minor Small Tree Planters [[]]
Bookshelf bookshelf Updated Library DarkUtils, Caliper LIbrary [[]]
Botania botania Updated Main Nature Magic [[]]
Caliper caliper Updated Information Performance Analysis Tool [[]]
Camera Obscura camera obscura ACtive Minor Cameras and Picture Frames [[]]
Ceramics ceramics Active Add-On Adds Clay-Forge & Porcelin [[]]
Chest Transporter chest transporter Active Minor Adds the ability to move chests [[]]
Chisels & Bits chisels & bits Active Minor Can make pattern blocks [[]]
Chunk-Pregenerator chunk-pregenerator Updated Utility Utility to let the world be pre-generated [[]]
Clay Soldiers Mod clay soldiers mod Updated Minor Fight with little clay soldiers [[]]
CodeChicken Lib 1.8.+ codechicken lib 1.8.+ Updated Library Translocator Library [[]]
Construct's Armory construct's armory Updated Add-On Tinkers-stype Armor [[]]
ContentTweaker contenttweaker Updated Customization Tweaker Mod [[]]
Cooking for Blockheads cooking for blockheads Updated Main Kitchen Mod [[]]
Crafting Tweaks crafting tweaks Active UI Adds clear and rotate buttons to Inventory [[]]
CraftingCraft craftingcraft Active Minor Sort Buttons on crafting [[]]
CraftStudio API craftstudio api Active Library Animania Library Consider removing
CraftTweaker crafttweaker Active Customization Tweaker Mod [[]]
Cucumber Library cucumber library Updated Library Mystical Agriculture Library [[]]
Dark Utilities dark utilities Active Minor Vector Plates and other Goodies [[]]
DeathQuotes / Death Quotes deathquotes / death quotes Active Fun Commentary on Death [[]]
DecoCraft2 decocraft2 Updated Minor Lots of Decoration Objects [[]]
Doomlike Dungeons doomlike dungeons Active Environment Big Dungeon Generator [[]]
Elians's Detector elians's detector Active UI Ore Detector [[]]
Ender Storage 1.8.+ ender storage 1.8.+ Updated Minor Adds Individual Private Storage [[]]
Engineers Workshop engineers workshop Active Minor Multi-step Crafting Table [[]]
Environmental Creepers environmental creepers Active Minor Control Creeper Damage Controlled from RoughMobs - Readded when roughmobs was removed
Extended Crafting extended crafting Updated Minor Allows Larger Crafting Grid [[]]
Extra Alchemy extra alchemy Updated Minor Potion Mechanics [[]]
Farming for Blockheads farming for blockheads Updated Minor Seed Merchant [[]]
Faster Ladder Climbing faster ladder climbing Active UI Up-Ladders is faster [[]]
Fence Overhaul fence overhaul Active Minor Diagonal Fences [[]]
FoamFix for Minecraft foamfix for minecraft Updated Optimization Memory Usage Improver [[]]
Food Expansion food expansion Active Add-On Adds new food recipes [[]]
Forestry forestry Updated Environment Trees, Forest Automation [[]]
Forge forge Updated Library Forge Mod Loader [[]]
Forge MultiPart CBE forge multipart cbe Active Library Many things, one block space [[]]
Fun Ores fun ores Updated Medium Ores, Drying Racks, Improved Furnance [[]]
Geographicraft geographicraft Active Environment Small Biomes and Big Rivers [[]]
Global XP global xp Active Minor Experience Storage Device [[]]
Grass Burner grass burner Active Minor OP Sheers for Grass [[]]
Guide-API guide-api Updated Library Documentation Book Library [[]]
Hwyla hwyla Active UI What am I looking at? [[]]
iChunUtil ichunutil Active Library PortalGun Library [[]]
Immersive Engineering immersive engineering Updated Main Windmills, Wires [[]]
Immersive Engineering & HarvestCraft immersive engineering & harvestcraft Active Integration CraftTweaker Script [[]]
Infini-TiC infini-tic Active Customization Adds ored for Tinkers [[]]
Inventory Tweaks inventory tweaks Active UI Sorting Get Rid Of?
IvToolkit ivtoolkit Active Library Buildings in Nature [[]]
JEI Bees jei bees Active Integration Bee Walia Layer [[]]
JEI Integration jei integration Active Integration JEI for Mods [[]]
JEI Villagers jei villagers Active Information JEI for Villagers [[]]
Just Enough HarvestCraft (JEHC) just enough harvestcraft (jehc) Updated Integration JEI for Harvestcraft Plants [[]]
Just Enough Items (JEI) just enough items (jei) Updated UI Just Enough Items [[]]
Kyth's Overpowered Moss kyth's overpowered moss Active Add-On OP Self -Repair Tinkers Moss [[]]
LagGoggles laggoggles Active Lag Lag Entity Visualizer [[]]
Lights 'n Lures lights 'n lures Active Minor Lights, Scarecrow [[]]
LootTableTweaker loottabletweaker Active Customization Tweaker Mod [[]]
Lost Cities lost cities Active Environment Buildings Dimension [[]]
Lost Souls lost souls Active Add-On Mobs for Lost Cities [[]]
Magic Bees magic bees Active Integration Bee Integration [[]]
Mantle mantle Active Library Tinkers LIbrary [[]]
Material Changer material changer Active Customization Tweaker Mod [[]]
McJtyLib mcjtylib Active Library [[]] [[]]
MCMultiPart mcmultipart Active Library [[]] [[]]
Minecraft Comes Alive (MCA) minecraft comes alive (mca) Active [[]] Relationships with Villiagers [[]]
MineTweaker RecipeMaker minetweaker recipemaker Active Customization Tweaker Mod [[]]
MiniHUD minihud Active Display Clock on HUD [[]]
MmmMmmMmmMmm mmmmmmmmmmmm Active Minor Target Dummy [[]]
Moar Tinkers moar tinkers Active Add-On Tinkers Mod [[]]
Mobs' crops mobs' crops Active Minor Adds a plant for each mob [[]]
Modern Lights modern lights Active Lighting Lights [[]]
ModTweaker modtweaker Updated Customization Tweaker Mod [[]]
More Bees more bees Active Add-On Additional Forestry Bees [[]]
More Shearables more shearables Active Minor Allows Sheering of Animals [[]]
Morpheus morpheus Active UI Sleep Vote [[]]
Mouse Tweaks mouse tweaks Updated UI Drag and paint inventory [[]]
MTLib mtlib Active Library Tweaker Lib [[]]
Multi-Hotbar multi-hotbar Active UI Expanded Hotbar in UI [[]]
Multi-Hotbar Core multi-hotbar core Active Library Hotbad Lib [[]]
Mystical Agradditions mystical agradditions Active Add-On Additional Magic Plants [[]]
Mystical Agriculture mystical agriculture Updated Medium Grow Components [[]]
MysticalLib mysticallib Active Library BlockCraftery Lib [[]]
Natura natura Updated Main trees, berries, worldgen [[]]
NoMoreRecipeConflict nomorerecipeconflict Active UI Allows multiple recipies (Button in Grid) [[]]
Oops! - Undo oops! - undo Active Minor Timer to un-place blocks [[]]
OpenBlocks Elevator openblocks elevator Active Minor Elevator [[]]
Ore Tweaker ore tweaker Active Customization Tweaker Mod [[]]
Pam's Clay Spawn pam's clay spawn Active Environment Adds Underground Clay [[]]
Pam's Cookables pam's cookables Active Add-On Foods [[]]
Pam's HarvestCraft pam's harvestcraft Updated Main Plants [[]]
Pam's Simple Recipes pam's simple recipes Active Minor Adds Recipies [[]]
Pewter pewter Updated Integration Other Mod's Metal Parts [[]]
Platforms platforms Active Minor Build Frames/Decks [[]]
PlusTiC plustic Active Integration Adds Integrations with Tinkers [[]]
Portal Gun portal gun Active Fun Teleport Foolishness [[]]
Potion Fingers potion fingers Active Minor Adds Rings to Baubles [[]]
PTRLib ptrlib Active Library [[]] [[]]
Quark quark Updated Major [[]] [[]]
Quick Leaf Decay quick leaf decay Active Minor Leaves die quickly [[]]
RadixCore radixcore Active Library [[]] [[]]
Random Things random things Updated Medium Block Mover + Other Stuff [[]]
ReAuth reauth Active Utility Reset Session Client
Recurrent Complex recurrent complex Active Environment Builds Random Structures [[]]
Redstone Flux redstone flux Active Library I/O Advanced for Smeltery [[]]
Redstone Gauges and Switches redstone gauges and switches Updated [[]] [[ ]] Does this work?
Refined Storage refined storage Updated Major Storage Network [[]]
Refined Storage Addons refined storage addons Updated Minor Additional Parts for Storage Network [[]]
RF Lux rf lux Active Lighting Lights (Powered) [[]]
Roguelike Dungeons roguelike dungeons Active Environment Simple Dungeons [[]]
Rough Mobs 2 rough mobs 2 Disabled Major [[]] [[]]
Rough Tweaks rough tweaks Active Minor Health Stuff [[]]
SanLib sanlib Updated Library [[]] [[]]
Shadowfacts' Forgelin shadowfacts' forgelin Active Library [[]] [[]]
ShetiPhianCore shetiphiancore Active Library [[]] Code Library
Signpost signpost Active Minor Teleport to Waystone Teleport
Silent Lib silent lib Updated Library [[]] [[]]
Simple Generators simple generators Active Minor Simple Electrical Generators [[]]
Simple Magnet simple magnet Updated [[]] [[]] [[]]
Simple Sponge simple sponge Active Minor Special Spounge [[]]
Spartan Shields spartan shields Active Minor Shields [[]]
Spice of Life spice of life Active Fun Food Variety Requirement [[]]
Spice of Life: Carrot Edition spice of life: carrot edition Active Minor Food Different Bonus [[]]
TAIGA (Tinkers Alloys) taiga (tinkers alloys) Active Add-On Tinker's Alloys [[]]
TallGates tallgates Active Minor Double Height Fence Gates [[]]
TellMe tellme Active Utility Dump Tables [[]]
Terraqueous terraqueous Active Major [[Flowers -> Dyes + Clouds]] Also Woods, Fruit
Thaumcraft thaumcraft Updated Main Magic [[]]
Thaumic Inventory Scanning thaumic inventory scanning Active Add-On Scan inside inventory [[]]
Thaumic Periphery thaumic periphery Active Integration Extra Thaumcraft [[]]
The Erebus the erebus Active Environment Bug Dimension [[]]
The Twilight Forest the twilight forest Active Main Extra Forest Dimension [[]]
The Weirding Gadget the weirding gadget Active Minor ChunkLoader [[]]
TheDragonLib thedragonlib Active Library Armorplus Lib [[]]
Tinker I/O tinker i/o Active Add-On Tinker's Automation [[]]
Tinkers' Addons tinkers' addons Active Add-On Bonus Modifiers for Tinkers [[]]
Tinkers' Complement tinkers' complement Active Add-On Tinkers Mod [[]]
Tinkers Construct tinkers construct Active Main Weapon Build [[]]
Tinkers Extras tinkers extras Active Customization Disable things in Tinkers [[]]
Tinker's JEI tinker's jei Active Integration JEI Screen for Materials [[]]
Tinkers' Tool Leveling tinkers' tool leveling Active Add-On Level-up experience with Tinker's Tools [[]]
Tool Belt tool belt Active Minor A belt to carry tools [[]]
Torch Bandolier torch bandolier Active Minor A bandoleer to carry multiple torchstacks [[]]
Translocators 1.8.+ translocators 1.8.+ Updated Minor Simple Chest Move [[]]
Tweakers Construct tweakers construct Active Customization Tweak Tinkers [[]]
Ultimate Car Mod ultimate car mod Active Medium Cars, Roads, Gasoline [[]]
Uncrafted uncrafted Active Minor Recipies for Uncraftables [[]]
Universal Remote universal remote Active Minor [[]] [[]]
ValkyrieLib valkyrielib Active Library [[]] [[]]
VanillaFix vanillafix Active Lag Identify Crash Mod [[]]
Vials vials Active Add-On Glass Containers for Metals [[]]
ViesCraft - Airships! viescraft - airships! Active Medium Blimps [[]]
Vise vise Active [[]] Hud Scaling Client Only [[]]
V-Tweaks v-tweaks Active Medium [[]] [[]]
Waila Harvestability waila harvestability Active UI What Mod/Harvest [[]]
Worldgeneration Profiler worldgeneration profiler Active Lag Identify Mod Slowing Worldgen [[]]
XL Food Mod xl food mod Active Minor Foods [[]]
XNet xnet Active Minor Lag-Free Pipes [[]]